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iTero Scanner

Advanced dentistry now utilizes the latest technologies that work more effectively and efficiently. The benefit they offer in the field of digital scanning is tremendous. One such great innovative device is iTero Intraoral Scanner.

What are these iTero scanners?

iTero intraoral scanners help look into patients' mouths and take pictures to create 3D dental images on the computer screen. These scanners are easy to use and are of great help to dentists. With the detailed and in-depth images from the system, we can attain the best results and determine the suitable treatment for you.

They are usually used to diagnose orthodontic issues and for dental procedures like crowns, veneers, implants, etc., to set a better treatment plan checking every minute detail.

What do iTero Intraoral Scanners actually do?

Intraoral scanners are wand-like devices, which can be moved around in your mouth. This hand-held wand captures many images of your mouth and creates them in 3D form. The wands are so small and comfortable that they can even scan molar teeth. The images are displayed on a screen with which the dentists can check their clarity and then send them over to the lab. In the lab, the data received is used to fabricate the restoration.

What are the benefits of using iTero Intraoral Scanner?

Its benefits include:

  • The whole process is quite comfortable. The scanning might take not more than a minute.
  • You don't have to bite on a gooey, putty-like substance to take the impressions of your teeth.
  • You don't need to go through the discomfort of covering teeth in titanium dioxide powder before using the scanner.
  • If by any chance you spit, sneeze, or cough while scanning, then we can pause it and resume again.
  • Accurate dimensions and contour are offers by the scan.
  • We can take several views of your teeth from different angles in 3D.
  • This scanner is perfect for creating appliances for orthodontic treatment options such as braces and Invisalign.

Please schedule an online appointment or call us at (949) 209-8889 to consult with Dr. Vida, a cosmetic dentist, at our office in Orange County, CA.

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